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N. Korea encourages non

2024-10-06 21:40:07      点击:137
North Korea is encouraging non-face-to-face services at restaurants and grocery stores, such as picking up to-go orders, as part of precautions against the new coronavirus, according to Pyongyang's state media on Monday.

Korean Central Broadcasting Station, the North's radio broadcaster, said the country is trying to improve customer services "to provide more convenience in accordance with the virus prevention measures in many districts including Pyongyang."

"We are also guaranteeing convenient lifestyles to our people such as encouraging 'order services' in restaurants and grocery stores," it said.

An "order service" refers to a pick-up service in which customers can request products in advance, allowing them to avoid crowds. Such services in North Korea are known to be more common in libraries.

The outlet also called on sales assistants to follow anti-virus regulations and stricter health checkups.

It also warned against the inflow of the virus through workers at ports, cargo stations and in the fishing industry and urged all employees, including those at sea, to abide by strict regulations to prevent the spread of the virus.

North Korea claims it has no cases of coronavirus infection but has taken relatively drastic and swift anti-virus measures since late January to close its border and tighten its quarantine. (Yonhap)

Two possible reasons behind recent mask
Two possible reasons behind recent mask